Free Downloads
Information about programs in Consciousness Studies from The Wisdom Academy. (19 pages)
Consciousness All the Way Down—Q&A interview with Christian de Quincey
An illustrated guide to the key insights and ideas of
"Consciousness from Zombies to Angels" (with color images).
(17 pages)
A user-friendly guide to relationships and the essence of Radical Knowing. (10 pages)
Sample chapter from "Radical Knowing" exploring the magic and mystery of Bohmian Dialogue.
A one-hour interview with Dr. Christian de Quincey on Auracolors radio show.
Sometimes evolution gets it wrong. We've got one last chance to get it right. Higher intelligence: It's closer than you think.
How are mind and body connected? What is the relationship between consciousness and energy?
If all your cells and molecules are conscious, how come you don't experience a trillion 'mini mes'?
26 Remarkable Questions to Unleash Your Potetial
Power Questions to Transform Your Life
Who are you? What does it mean to be a human being? Where did you come from? Now that you are here, what is the purpose and meaning of your life? When it’s all over, what will happen to you, where will you go? This short and simple guide will help you answer these universal questions for yourself.
An illustrated guide to the Seven Archetypes of Consciousness that guide and transform our lives.
Changing a three-letter word can make a world of difference in your experience of life.